Welcome to TFL-US, Incorporated.
We are a 501(c)(3) Public Charity (click here to see IRS exemption letter) incorporated in New York state established in 2010. Our EIN is 27- 2370827. Your contributions are fully tax-deductible if you are taxable in the USA.
TFL-US has a Board of Directors presently consisting of four people: Ray Debbane (Secretary and Treasurer), Eva Farha (Member), Abdallah Geahel (Member), Ghassan Saab (V.P.) and Charbel Tagher (President). Our plan is to expand it over the next few months to include members from many cities across the USA.
TFL-US carries out fund-raising activities in the United States in support of improved local education in Lebanon for the purpose of providing grants to Teach for Lebanon (TFL), which is a non-governmental organization registered through the Lebanese Ministry of Interior, Attestation number 1518, as of November 5, 2008. TFL is modeled after Teach for America and was formed to eliminate educational inequality while fostering youth leadership and promoting civic engagement, particularly in rural Lebanon.
Some Frequently Asked Questions are answered here: FAQ
on their website:
March 2012